APA ve Raporlama


The title of your report should clearly and concisely capture the essence of your study (in no more

than 12 words).


Abstract:  Yüksek lisans tezlerinde 75-100; doktora tezlerinde 150-250 kelime


İstatistiki simgelerin gösterilmesi

p  degerlerinin gosterilmesi


Anova sonucunun raporlanması

Analysis of variance showed a statistically significant difference at the p < .05 level in LOT

scores for the three age groups: F (2, 432) = 4.6, p = .01. Post-hoc comparisons using the Tukey

HSD test indicated that the mean score for Group 1 (M = 21.36, SD = 4.55) was significantly

different from Group 3 (M = 22.96, SD = 4.49).


t-testi sonucunun raporlanması

A paired samples t-test showed a statistically significant decrease in FOST scores from Time 1 (M =

40.17, SD = 5.16) to Time 2 (M = 37.5, SD = 5.15), t(29) = 5.39, p <. 001 (two-tailed). The mean

decrease in FOST scores was 2.27 with a 95% confdence interval ranging from 1.66 to 3.68. The eta

squared statistic (.50) indicated a large effect size.


Regresyon analizi

This multiple regression analysis was found to be statistically significant [F(3,140) = 29.72, p < .0001].


A multiple regression was performed utilizing sports self-esteem as the criterion and self-esteem and masculinity as predictors in order to determine

if sports self-esteem scores could be predicted as a function of general self-esteem scores and masculinity. The analysis was found to be

statistically significant F(118) = 73.24, p < .01, indicating that selfesteem and masculinity are good predictors of sports-related self-esteem.

This multiple regression accounted for 55% of the variability, as indexed by the adjusted R2 statistic. The regression equation for predicting sports

self-esteem from self esteem as an index of masculinity was found to be Y = .48x1 + .28x2 - 1.89. The variable of masculinity, as indexed by its ß

value of .59, was shown to have the strongest relationship to sports selfesteem.











































1. Kuram, yapı, boyutlar. SPSS’e giriş  ***  2. Problem cümlesi, amaç, önem, kapsam, kısıtlar, ön kabuller, SPSS uygulaması *** 3. Hipotezler , SPSS uygulaması  ***   4. Değişkenler ve göstergeler, araştırma modelleri, SPSS uygulaması  *** 5. Analiz birimi T-Testi SPSS uygulaması, *** 6. Ana kütle ve örneklem- Veri Toplama Teknikleri - ANOVA analizi SPSS uygulaması   *** 7. Pilot Araştırma - Regresyon analizinin Varsayımları- SPSS uygulaması *** 8. Vize (Regresyon analizinin Varsayimlarina devam SPSS uygulaması)  ***  9.  Bulgular ve Değerlendirme - Regresyon Analizi-SPSS Uygulamaları ***  10. Güvenilirlik - Cronbach Alfa - SPSS uygulaması  ***  11. Geçerlilik  AFA açisindan SPSS uygulaması  ***  12. AFA Faktör analizi  SPSS uygulaması ***  13. YEM Amos SPSS uygulaması  ***  14. YEM Amos - SPSS uygulaması    ***


Ofis: C-506   Dahili:4390

Görüşme: Pazartesi-Salı 12-13.00


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APA ve Raporlama







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