Select the “Use wildcards” check box
<perf ile başlayanları bul.
ans> ile bitenler
? is used to represent a single character -- s?t
* represents any number of characters s*t wo*d
Karakter tekrarı ful@ full
< and > kelime düzeyli arama için <s*t>
specific characters or ranges of characters [A-Z]
Tireyi aramak [\-]
Slaşı aramak [\\]
Curly brackets are used for counting occurrences of the previous character or expression. a{2} aa
Unicode characters with the Alt-key (make sure NumLock is on, then hold down the Alt-key and type the
numbers on the numeric keypad
Em dash (-): Alt+0151; En dash (-): Alt+0150
^+ Em dash bulur
^= En dash bulur
^f dipnot işaretini bulur.
^b section break ı bulur
m*th* will match method
find ( ) {2;} değiştirde 1 boşluk ver -- fazla boşlukları almak (makro yap otomatize et)
Ctrl-Shift-8" or "Ctrl-*" to display the paragraph markers and other formatting.
Word's default line spacing of 1.15
Boş satırları alma ^p^p / ^p
Ctrl+Alt+V to open the Paste Special dialog box and choose the Unformatted Text option to merge the text
into your document without any additional formatting
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