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Kalite Yönetim Sistemi - AS9100
Üçüncü hafta

Üçüncü hafta ders notu:
AS9100 Havacılıkta Kalite Yönetim Sistemi: Tarihsel gelişimi, kapsamı, amacı

Yardımcı bilgiler

AS9100 nedir

Revizyon Tarihçesi

ISO 9001:2015

AS9100 Kalite Elkitabı

Brief History of the AS Family of Standards

In 1999, AS9100 A replaced AS9000, the previous aerospace specific quality management system. The replacement of AS9000 came about because of the review and development of the ISO 9000 family of standards, where ISO 9001:2000 replaced ISO 9001:1994. AS9100 A was split into two sections, which set out requirements based in both the 2000 and 1994 versions of ISO 9001. The current AS9100 revision B has superseded revision A. The only difference is that in AS9100 revision B the references to ISO 9001:1994 have been removed.

As with ISO 9001:2000, the major additions and alterations to AS9100 are based on the move from a procedural to a process approach.

AS9100 was developed by representatives from the Aerospace industry in Europe, Asia, USA and the Americas. Registration to AS9100 is encouraged for suppliers to organizations such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Rolls Royce, GEAE, and NASA.

AS9110 and AS9120, the most recent additions to the AS family were published in January 2003 and November 2002 respectively. These two standards are based on ISO 9001:2000, and focus upon the specific quality requirements of the maintenance and stockist distributor segments of the aerospace industry.

AS9100 QMS - Requirements for ASD Organizations

AS9110 QMS - Requirements for Aviation Maintenance Organizations

AS9120 QMS - Requirements for ASD Distributors

In addition, it is expected that the following areas will be added or enhanced:

Product Safety
Human Factors
Preventive Action
Counterfeit Parts
Configuration Management
Product Realization and Planning
Post Delivery Support
Project Management
Design Development and Supplier Management
Raw Material Testing
Quality Manual
Management Representative
AS 9100 Aerospace Certification by SQA

AS9100 certification

ISO AS9100 Certification -2

Free AS9100 Course and Training Presentation
1. Hafta: Giriş ve Dersin Tanıtımı   2. Hafta: Kalite     3. Hafta: AS9100         4. Hafta: Prensipler ve Puko Döngüsü   
5. Hafta: Başlangıç Bölümleri   (1.0 Kapsam- 2.0 Referanslar- 3.0 Terimler)    
6. Hafta: 4.0 Örgütün Çevresi      7. Hafta: 5.0 Liderlik        
8. Hafta Vize
9. Hafta: 6.0 Planlama     10. Hafta: 7.0 Destek    11. Hafta: 8.0 Operasyon (1)      12. Hafta: 8.0 Operasyon (2)    13. Hafta: 9.0 Performans Değerlendirme     14. Hafta 10. İyileştirme          
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